CONTACT: Karen Beasley, Vice President of Marketing & Communications
Alabama Mountain Lakes Tourist Association
PHONE: 256.350.3500 / 800.648.5381



Fire Up the Grills
Annual Sizzle and Smoke returns to Decatur Sept. 27-28

Decatur, Ala. (July 15, 2024) – Alabama's only triple steak cookoff returns in September bringing with it exciting grilling action and good times to the River City. Hosted by Mosaic Mentoring of North Alabama, Sizzle and Smoke welcomes steak connoisseurs and backyard grill meisters who gather to compete for prize money, bragging rights and a coveted golden ticket – the opportunity to compete at the 2025 SCA World Championships in Fort Worth, Texas. This year’s Sizzle and Smoke is set for Sept. 27-28, 2024, at Ingalls Harbor in Decatur, Ala.  


Mosaic Mentoring of North Alabama is excited to offer Alabama's only triple steak cookoff. Sizzle and Smoke, a Steak Cookoff Association (SCA)-sanctioned event, is a two-day competition where anyone can take their skills to the grill and enter the competition as long as they are members of the SCA. Membership to SCA is $40 to join and allows members to cook in as many steak events taking place anywhere in the United States.


During Sizzle and Smoke, competitors can turn in three steaks for judging. One on Friday night, Sept. 27 and two on Saturday, Sept. 28. Mosaic Mentoring will provide ribeye steaks for the competition to ensure a level playing field. Sign up is available at for Friday’s competition and for Saturday’s competition. (The competition steaks are included in the registration fee.) Any cook registering before Sept. 12th will have his/her name put in a drawing for an aged Jack Daniels whiskey barrel.


The winning steak will earn that competitor a payout of $1000. The second place steak receives $500, third place $400, fourth place $300, fifth place $200 and sixth through tenth place receives $100 each. The winners of all three steak turn-ins will automatically receive a golden ticket to the SCA World  Championship, March 13-16, 2025, in Fort Worth, Texas.


The competition also offers ribs, dessert and “Anything Jack Daniel” categories, with all paying to fifth place. Kids ages four to 13 years old can participate to see who has the best pork chop and compete for a payout of up to $100 for first place, $75 for second place, $50 for third place and $25 each for fourth through tenth place. To register for the kid’s competition, call Mosaic Mentoring of North Alabama at (256) 353-0157.


Meetings for the cooks are scheduled for 4:30 p.m. Friday with awards presented at 9:30 p.m. and 10 a.m. Saturday with awards at 5:45 p.m.


Adding to the fun this year, Real Steel will be hosting their annual charity car show on Saturday, Sept. 28th. In addition to the competition and car show, there will be food trucks and a steak sandwich sale hosted by Mosaic Mentoring for the public along with raffle prizes and a silent auction.


All activities are held at Ingalls Harbor located at 802 Wilson St NW, in Decatur, Ala. Admission is free.


For more information, visit




About Alabama Mountain Lakes Tourist Association (AMLA)
AMLA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the promotion and development of the $4.7 billion North Alabama travel industry within the 16 northernmost counties of the state. It is supported by 500-plus members consisting of chambers of commerce, Convention & Visitors Bureaus, attractions, campgrounds, festivals, communities, golf courses, restaurants, accommodations and vendors. Counties included within the AMLA region are Blount, Cherokee, Colbert, Cullman, DeKalb, Etowah, Franklin, Jackson, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Limestone, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Morgan and Winston. Additional information on North Alabama destinations, accommodations and special events is available by calling 800.648.5381, by visiting and by following us on social media @VisitNorthAL.